Sunday, April 25, 2010

Innocent (sic) Armenians oppressing the other Christians

Innocent (sic) Armenians oppressing the other Christians
As modus operandi of Dashnak (Nazi) Armenians to demonize Turks (out of all ethnic groups of Ottomans) and create a discriminatory environment for Turks (of course, with the bona fide (sic) support of parliaments and government of our western friends (sic) and allies (sic)), Dashnaks played the innocent, pretending that they have been murdered out of blue, falsely representing the massacres which were mostly staged on them by KURDS, as genocide.
Let's look at what British Foreign Office says about their myth of innocence.
So read yourself and let the truth be told.
No More Discrimination
No. 200
Sir A. H. Layard to the Marquis of Salisbury.
No. 433.
My Lord,
THERAPIA, May 24, 1879.
(Received June 6.)
MAJOR TROTTER, in his despatch to me of the 16th ultimo, copy of which was transmitted by him to your Lordship, having called my attention to the ill- treatment of Protestants in the Vilayet of Diarbekir by other Christian sects, and especially by the Orthodox Armenians, I directed Dragoman Marinich to bring the matter to the notice of the Armenian Patriarch, and to warn his Beatitude that he could not expect me to countenance acts of religious persecution committed either by Mussulmans or Christians, and to intercede with the Porte on behalf of the Armenians when they had cause for complaint if they were guilty of oppressing and persecuting their fellow-Christians. I have the honour to inclose copy of a Memorandum from Mr. Marinich, reporting the steps that he had taken in the matter.
I have, &c.
Turkey No. 10 (1879), p. 78, No 40
(Signed) A. H. LAYARD
F. O. 424/84, p. 55, No. 92
Inclosure in No. 200
M. Marinicli to Sir A. H. Layard.
M. l’Ambassadeur,
PERA, le 23 Mai 1879.
SUIVANT les instructions de votre Excellence, je me suis rendu chez le CaImacam du Patriarche Arménien démissionaire, pour me plaindre des mauvais traitements auxquels sont victimes les Protestants dans le district de Sert, ainsi que le rapporte M. le Major Trotter, dans sa dépêche, en date du i6 Avril dernier.
Je n’ai pas manqué de faire ressortir toutes les consequences fâcheuses auxquelles peut facilement donner lieu une telle persecution.J’ai eu soin d’ajouter que si cet état de choses continuait, qu’il ne fallait pas s’attendre a voir votre Excellence intervenir désormais en faveur des Arméniens lorsque ceux-ci seraient l’objet de mauvais traitements comme ceux qu’ils font subir a leurs frères les Protestants; j’ai conclu en disant que votre Excellence était fermement persuadée que le Patriarcat, ne tolerant pas cette persecution religieuse, se serait empressé de transmettre des ordres a ses autorités religieuses dans le Vilayet de Diarbékir, afin que l’on mette un terme a ces faits regrettables.
Le CaImacam du Patriarche Arménien s’est montré très-peiné d’apprendre le récit queje lui ai fait. Ii m’a prié d’informer votre Excellence qu’il se fera un devoir de transmettre par le courrier prochain les ordres les plus formels a ces autorités ecclesiastiques dans le Vilayet de Diarbékir pour que désormais les Arméniens ne se livrent plus a des actes repréhensibles qu’il considère comme contraire au Christianisme ainsi qu’à l’esprit d’humanité et de civilisation du siècle oü nous vivons. Toutefois, comme les faits rapportés par le Major Trotter n’ont pas eu lieu dans les villes, mais se sont produits dans les campagnes par des individus sans education, il ne faudrait pas, m’a dit le Caimacam du Patriarche, faire retomber l’odieux de ces actes isolés sur toute la nation Arménienne, qui desire vivre en parfaite harmonie avec les Protestants. Aussi, il prie instamment votre Excellence de vouloir bien continuer comme par le passé a protéger et défendre les intérêts des Arméniens. Le Patriarcat de son côté ne manquera pas de donner les instructions nécessaires pour qu’à l’avenir de pareils faits ne se renouvellent plus. LeCaImacam du Patriarche m’a fait remarquer que l’Evêque de Diarbékir s’était empressé, comme le dit du reste le Major Trotter, de recommander a ses ouailles d’éviter les conflits religieux avec les Protestants, conflits que dans l’état actuel de choses, a dit le CaImacam, ne manqueraient pas de produire de funestes effets sur l’esprit des Mussulmans, qui se sentiraient autorisés a exercer aussi de leur côté des actes d’oppression et d’injustice envers les Chrétiens.
En même temps, j’ai informé le CaImacam du Patriarche que la nommée Anna, qui avait été mariée précédemment a tin Protestant, continuait, contrairement aux ordres catégoriques et péremptoires du Patriarcat, a vivre dans la maison de l’individu avec lequel l’Evêque du Diarbékir l’avait remariée illégalement.
Le CaImacam du Patriarche m’a donné lecture du telegramme qu’il venait de recevoir de l’Evêque Philipos, dans laquelle ii est dit que la susdite Anna avait été séparée de son second man Casandjian, et placée dans Ia maison da sa mere. Mais comme Casandjian, en dépit de la defense des autorités ecclésiastiques, allait de temps en temps la voir, l’Evêque Philipos informait le Patriarcat qu’il se proposait de recourir a l’intervention de l’autorité locale pour empêcher Casandjian de frequenter la maison de sa belle-mere.
J’ai, &c.
F. O. 424 / 84, p. 55-56, No. 92 / I
Turkey No. 10 (1879), p. 79, .No. 40/1

Thursday, April 8, 2010

British Foreign Office's Observations with Respect to Special Commission which inquires Armenian Grievances

British Foreign Office's Observations with Respect to Special Commission which inquires Armenian Grievances
While Turcophobe imperialist/Nazi tugs who happen to be members of the parliaments of our western friends (sic) and allies (sic) are adopting in unison Armenian Genocide verdicts, as special courts, accusing Turks and Republic of Turkey for dire events which happened during Ottoman Era in 1915, well before birth of Republic of Turkey in 1923. involving rebellion of Dashnak (Nazi) Armenians in Anatolia upon instigation of Tsarist Russia, to cleanse non-Armenians therein, so they were no longer a minority (they represented 7% of the population), and get a hold of their historic Armenia, their deportation, of which decree was adopted by an Ottoman Cabinet of Ministers, consisting of entirely non-Turks (i.e. Sabetayists (a.k.a. Sabbatians) and Armenians), which deportation was being implemented by Commanders of Ottoman Army who happened to be Germans, and convoys of deportees were being attacked by Kurdish Bandits, who, as many British Documents and other sources indicate, are real persecutors, rapists and murderers of Anatolian Armenians.
Actually parliamentary Nazis of West must also award verdicts of guilt for sentencing and implicating ethnic Turks for murder of Abel by Cain; many massacres of ancient Canaanites by Israelite; all people enslaved and murdered by Rome; the ill treated and exploited denizens of all colonies (which still happen to exist today!...) who are colonized by good, lovely, freedom loving and caring Westerners who still have the good and Christian-like (???) habit of bringing freedoms and democracy to non-Westerners by killing them en masse, stealing their natural resources; the natives of both South and North America, whose death toll is estimated to be around 10 to 100 million, who have also been liberated and whose lands and natural resources have been stolen by good, democratic and freedom-loving Westerners, being killed by the virtue of the motto “the Best Indian is Dead Indian”; a few million victims of civil war instigated by United States of America for separating Panama from Colombia by supporting freedom fighters (a variant of terrorists who are pro-Western, just like Dashnak (Nazi) terrorists were and now PKK terrorists are to western imperialists); 2.5 million dead Phillipinos who were also liberated by United States of American for bringing freedoms and democracy thereto on the motto of “best Phillipino is dead Phillipino”; 5 million civilians who were liberated by firebombing them during WWII and 1.5 million Japanese civilians who died instantly and further several millions who suffered and died later due to radiation induced cancer and birth defects upon liberation of Japan through use of Weapons of Mass Destruction, i.e. Atomic Bombs by United States of America, which is THE FIRST AND ONLY EXAMPLE OF USING A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION ON CIVILIANS; 6 million Jews and other undesirables by Nazi Europe (Nazi Germany is a wrong term: entire Europe was Nazi back then); 1 million North Koreans who were attempted to be liberated by Western Imperialists (which were supported by Republic of Turkey, by sending troops), by convincing them using napalm attacks and still being attempted to be liberated by using embargo, if not bombs in violation of self-determination right; 2.5 million Algerians murdered and many more tortured, raped i.e. processed by French in Algeria, to liberate them and bring democracy and freedoms; several million Vietnamese victims of Vietnam war who happened to be napalmed for their liberation; several million victims of Western (especially CIA) sponsored coups staged in many countries from Latin America to Turkey, from Ukraine and Iran to South East Asia; 1.5 million Iraqi civilians who were bombed to death by our Western friends (sic) and allies (sic) and 500 thousand Afghan civilians who shared the same fate with Iraqi civilians for the sake of liberation, freedoms and democracy fired from the barrels of Westerners sans their naturals not being stolen; in short for BEING A TURK.

Please use the harshest wording in the bills you adopt in your Reichstagen and employ the worst ill-treatment towards Turks. I beg you, MASSA please whoop me.
Anyway while I was expecting to be punished in the harshest possible manner, let's look what British Consular functionaries who, according to Dashnak (Nazi) thinking, are Turks, Turkish Agents, Georgians, self-hating (sic) Jews and denialists who received blood money from Turks for denying the first established (??) genocide of 20th Century, tell about the howabouts of Christians in Anatolia under Ottoman Rule.
Strange thing is while I was demanding to be punished for all the above crimes against humanity, British Consular officers were mentioning about a commission consisting of Yussuf Bey Pasha and Serkis Effendi (an Armenian) and “providing security against Circassians and Kurds”.
Alas, I'm just a Turk who must be punished, ill-treated and discriminated against for just being a Turk. My words are worthless.
So read yourself and let the truth be told.

No More Discrimination
No. 197
Sir A. H. Layard to the Marquis of Salisbury.
No. 401.
My Lord,
THERAPIA, May 14 1879.
(Received May 23.)
I HAVE the honour to inclose a copy of the instructions which I have addressed to Major Trotter with regard to the Special Commission appointed by the Porte to inquire into the state of the Vilayet of Erzeroum and of the neighbouring districts.
I have, &c.
(Signed) A. H. LAYARD.
F. O. 424/83, p. 390, No. 527
Inclosure in No. 197
Sir A. H. Layard to Major Trotter.
THERAPIA, May 12, 1879.
A SPECIAL Commission appointed by the Porte, and consisting of Yussuf Pasha and Serkis Effendi, has started for Erzeroum, to inquire into the state of that vilayet and the neighbouring districts.
Her Majesty’s Government take a special interest in the object of this Commission, as the future of a large part of Asia Minor is likely to be involved in the success of its labours. They have therefore decided that it shall be accompanied by an officer in Her Majesty’s service. Having proposed your name to the Marquis of Salisbury, the choice has met with his Lordship’s approval, and I have to instruct you to join the Commission as soon as possible.
Reasons which I need not enter into have rendered it unadvisable to ask that you should take part officially in the deliberations of the Commission, but you go with the consent and approbation of the Ottoman Government, and the Imperial Commissioners have received verbal instructions to communicate with you freely on the subject of their proceedings.
The instructions to the Commission give it ample power to redress the wrongs under which the populations are suffering. You will, by your independent position, be able to give much assistance in bringing these wrongs to light, and the sufferers will no doubt lay their grievances before you without fear. In this part of your labour I recommend to you caution in believing in statements made to you, and the strictest impartiality, in order to avoid the imputation of favouring Christians, to the detriment of Mussulmans, and the loss of influence which would be occasioned by it.
The duties of the Commission include the drawing up a general scheme of reforms for the districts which you will visit. If you have any influence over the preparation of this scheme you will use it to obtain equal justice for all classes and denominations of the Sultan’s subjects, for an appropriate distribution of taxation, and for police organization, which shall render the country secure for travellers and inhabitants. You will bear in mind that Her Majesty’s Government desire above all to consolidate the Empire under the dominion of the Sultan, knowing that the means to attain this end are the welfare and prosperity of his people.
You will report frequently by letter and telegraph with Her Majesty’s Embassy.
I am, &c.
(Signed) A. H. LAYARD.
F. O. 424/83, p. 390, .NO. 527/1

No. 198
The Marquis of Salisbury to Sir A. H. Layard.
FOREIGN OFFICE, May 21, 1879.
I HAVE received from Major Trotter a copy of his despatch to Mr. Malet of the 24 ultimo. In that despatch Major Trotter inquires whether, in his capacity as Her Majesty’s Consul, he has any right to interfere on behalf of oppressed Christian subjects of the Porte, and if so, under what authority.
By Article LXI of the Treaty of Berlin the Porte engages “to carry out, without further delay, the improvements and reforms demanded by local requirements in the provinces inhabited by Armenians, and to guarantee their security against the Circassians and Kurds.”
It further undertakes “to make known the steps taken for this purpose to the Powers, who will superintend their application.”
Further, in Article I of the Convention between Great Britain and Turkey of the 4 June, 1878, the Sultan “promises to England to introduce necessary reforms, to be agreed upon later between the two Powers, into the government, and for the protection of the Christian and other subjects of the Porte” in his Asiatic territories.
Under these two Treaty stipulations the Sultan stands bound not only to promulgate new and improved laws, but actually to carry out reforms in the administration of the provinces situated within the sphere of Major Trotter’s observation. Any proceedings inconsistent with the spirit of that promise furnish an ample ground for remonstrance—by the Consul in the first instance, and afterwards, should occasion arise, by the Ambassador.
Judgment must of course be used, both as to the expediency and the manner of such representations, and great care should be taken not to act upon information the accuracy of which is open to doubt. But, subject to these precautions, Great Britain will spare no diplomatic exertion to obtain good government for the populations of Asiatic Turkey.
Your Excellency is requested to furnish Major Trotter with a copy of this despatch, for his information and guidance.
I am, &c.
Turkey No. 10 (1879), p. 76, .No. 37