Other prime examples of who were real oppressors of Armenians!..
Despite Westerners are responsible for far more genocides/extortions of lands/resources, enslavement of many native/aboriginal people, they use their third reich senates, crook journalists to blame non-Westerners for dire events which are either made up or engineered as ruses to liberate (i.e. invade and steal the natural resources of) other non-western nations. This selective blindness of westerners enable them to justify their supposedly democratic sugar coated fascistic rules all around the world.
The following correspondence, though making reference to certain parts of Anatolia as Kurdistan, totally omitting the facts that Kurds were (and still are) nomadic people who did not have their land (until deportation of Armenians) and there is a significant amount of Turks in the region, sheds further light on who were real oppressors of Armenians in the region.
Since they were nomadic they were also mostly AWOL from military service, so they could continue their plundering, raping and robbing actions unhindered.
Despite not a single official document accuses any Turk of killing Armenian even for personal reasons, why all social Darwinist Western senates (despite they are Forum non conveniens) deliver verdicts of genocide on Turks and current Republic of Turkey for dire events which they instigated in the first place and perpetrated by nomadic Kurds?
Please read your self and let the truth be told.
No More Discrimination
No. 224
Sir A. H. Layard to the Marquis of Salisbury.
No. 6o8.My Lord, | THERAPIA, July 12, 1879. (Received July 22.) |
WITH reference to Major Trotter’s despatch of the 28th ultimo, a copy of which is forwarded to your Lordship by this messenger, I have the honour to inclose copy of a note verbale I have addressed to the Porte, calling attention to the outrages to which the Armenians of the district of Gonig are subjected, and urging that the most rigorous measures should be taken for the protection of the Sultan’s Armenian subjects in Kurdistan.
I have, &c.
(Signed) A. H. LAVARD.
F. O. p424/85, p. 204, js 362Turkey No. 10 (1879), p. 1o6, No. 64
Inclosure in No. 224
Note Verbale.
HER Majesty’s Ambassador desires to submit to the Sublime Porte a statement relating to the oppression and outrages to which the Armenians of the village of Ognoa, in the district of Gonig, in Kurdistan, are subjected by Kurdish Chiefs. Her Majesty’s Ambassador is aware that the facts mentioned in it have been brought to the notice of the Commission sent by the Imperial Government to enquire in to the condition of the vilayet of Erzeroum and the neighbouring districts, and he cannot doubt but that the Commissioners, anxious to perform the mission confided to them in a just, impartial, and energetic manner, will take measures to ensure redress and protection to the inhabitants of Ognoa. The state of things existing in this village unhappily appears to prevail over a great part of the east of Anatolia, comprised in what is called Kurdistan. The object of Her Majesty’s Ambassador in calling the special notice of the Sublime Porte to it is to draw its earnest attention to the intolerable oppression under which the Armenian subjects of the Sultan are suffering, in the hope that the most rigorous measures will be adopted to carry out the intentions and promises of His Imperial Majesty, that all his subjects, without distinction of race or creed, shall be placed on a footing of perfect equality, and shall receive his protection. It would unhappily, appear that the only authority now existing in those districts, to which Her Majesty’s Ambassador has referred, is that of Kurdish Agas and Beys, who exercise it in plundering, outraging, and oppressing the unfortunate Christians under their rule.
Therapia, July 9, 1879.
F. 0. 424/85, pp. 204-205, JVo. 362/1
Turkey J’To. 10 (1879), pp. 106-107, .No. 64/I