Saturday, January 28, 2012

Caecus ducere Caecus (Blind Leading Blind)

Caecus ducere Caecus
Blind Leading Blind

Here is another correspondence between British Consular Officers located in the regions. Again we have Major Trotter, who ruins the cause of Dashnak (Nazi) Armenians and their puppet masters blaming Turks for some dire events which were instigated by Western Powers and Russia and initiated by greedy Armenian revolutionaries who, despite representing a few percent of the population, tried to grab the land for themselves and cleanse other sedentary populations (i.e. Turks, since Kurds were nomadic tribes, who before deportation of Armenians, did not have their own land), causing a deportation decree by an Ottoman Cabinet consisting of entirely non-Turks (Judeo Moslem Sabbatians – Sabetayists, even Armenians), deportation performed by an army whose commanders are Germans, leading to some demise of Armenians during deportation by the Kurdish bandits who are preying on the unprotected population.
I believe Dashnak (Nazi) Armenians would love to firebomb this guy's home, if he were alive today, just like they did to the home of Bernard Shaw, an important genocide scholar.

The Major Trotter and Colleagues refer to southern Anatolia, as Kurdistan, as it befits to their imperialist agenda, despite there are a significant portion of Turkish population. This is normal because imperialist west always tries to dispense some property which does not belong to them. If you ask from them an inch of their land, they start screaming like someone driving a stake into their rectums.

Moreover the text talks about oppression by Turks, after first referring to Kurds, but all examples given involve Kurds. What a coincidence?
The imperialist west now supports a Kurdish Terrorist Organization, PKK, which use even child terrorists and is listed on UN's terrorist organizations list, which westerners, if inure to their benefit, ignores.

Anyway read yourself and let the truth be told.
No More Discrimination

No. 255
Major Trotter to the Marquis of Salisbury.
No. 27. Political.
My Lord,
ERZEROUM, August 16, 1879.
(Received September 1.)

I HAVE the honour to forward, for your Lordship’s information, copies of despatches No. 1, Political, of the 31st July, and No. 2, Political, of the 2nd August, received by me yesterday from Captain Clayton, Her Majesty’s Vice - Consul for Van. The first refers to the probable settlement in the Mush district of 1,200 families of Mahommedan refugees from the Kars, Ardahan, and Batoum districts.
Admitting the settlement of these refugees to be a necessary evil, which cannot well be avoided, I fully concur in Captain Clayton’s remarks, that the speedy organization of an effective gendarmerie, for the better protection of the Christian inhabitants, is most desirable. Your Lordship is, however, aware that the project of the Imperial Commissioners for the establishmet of an improved gendarmerie for the Vilayet of Erzeroum has been refused sanction by the Sublime Porte, on account of the proposed increased expenditure. The organization of a gendarmerie for the Mush Sandjak (which is in the Van Vilayet) has not yet been taken into consideration, and nothing can be done in the matter until the Imperial Commission proceeds to Van.
Captain Clayton’s second despatch affords a melancholy picture of the state of affairs in the Mush district, and confirms in many points the statements contained in a paper that was handed me a few days ago by the Archbishop of Mush, a traslation of which I hope to send to your Lordship by the next mail.
I learn that the Armenian demonstration at Mush, described by Captain Clayton, was organized in consequence of instructions set by the leading Armenians here. I also learn from a reliable source that it had been intended that the principal Turkish residents of Mush should have gone to meet Captain Clayton, with a whole battalion of soldiers, and that the troops were actually under arms for the purpose; but when the movements of the Armenians became known the order was countermanded, and the Colonel only, with a cavalry escort, went to meet the Vice-Consul.
I have, &c.
(Signed) HENRY TROTTER, Major,
Consul for Kurdistan
F. 0. 424/87, p. 1, No. 1
Inclosure 1 in No. 255
Captain Clayton to Major Trotter.
(No. 1)
MUSH, July 31, 1879.
IN accordance with your instructions I have the honour to report what I have been able to learn with respect to the proposed settlement of Mussulman refugees in this district.
This morning I received a visit from the Vekil of the Mutessarif of the district, and on inquiry he informed me that an official communication had been received from Constantinople to the effect that between 3,000 and 4,000 families of refugees from the neighbourhood of Kars and Batoum were to be located in the mutessariflik. On the receipt of this communication protests were sent to Constantinople and Erzeroum, urging that it would be impossible to receive so many refugees, but that 1,200 families might be accommodated. The Vekil believed that this number of families could be located in the district without serious inconvenience. Nothing was known of any intention of sending refugees from Europe.
After the Vekil had taken his leave the Bishop’s vicar, and other Armenian Notables who had been present during the conversation, expressed to me the great objection they had to the reception of even the reduced number of refugees, and said that they had sent a protest to Erzeroum on the subject. They stated that they had no objection to the settlement of refugees in the town of Mush, but that if they were located in the country villages great injury would certainly follow to the Armenian peasantry.
On my suggesting that if only a few refugees were settled in each village no harm could ensue, the reply was made that, as the Turkish officials invariably took the part of the Mussulman in any dispute between a Mussulman and a Christian, the presence of even one family of refugees in a village would cause injury and oppression to the Armenian inhabitants, as the refugees, poor and desperate, would be sure to levy contributions from the Christians, and the latter would not be able to obtain any redress from the authorities, and, in case of resistance to unlawful demands, would be sure to be considered in the wrong, and punished accordingly.
Even if this be an exaggerated picture of the condition of affairs in this part of the country, it shows clearly the general state of feeling of the Armenian population, and points to the necessity for the adoption of measures to give confidence in the impartial justice of the Administration, and for the organization of a gendarmerie that shall be effective to prevent the oppression of one part of the
I propose to address to you another despatc on the general condition of the mutessariflik when I have received certain information which has been promised me.
I have, &c.
(Signed) E. CLAYTON, Captain,
British Vice - Consul, Van.
F. 0.424/87, p.2, No. 1/1
Inclosure 2 in No. 255
Captain Clayton to Major Trotter.
(No. 2)
MUSH, August 2, 1879.
IN my despatch No. 1, Political, I mentioned that I was awaiting certain information. This information was to take the form of a Report from the Armenians of the grievances under which they have been suffering. I have not yet received this Report; but as an opportunity of sending letters by a traveller, who will start to - morrow for Erzeroum, offers itself, I think it desirable to inform you at once of what I have been able to learn respecting the condition of the mutessariflik without waiting for the Report, which I will forward as soon as another apportunity offers.
After parting with you on the 28th July I reached Chynys the same afternoon, and was hospitably received by Hajji Bey. The Kaimakam, Iskender Bey, was also very attentive, and accompanied me for an hour on my journey next morning. At Chynys there are between 300 and 400 Armenians, and I was informed by a deputation of Armenians that in the district there are twenty-five Armenian villages, with a population of 20,000 souls. The deputation made no complaint of their condition.
On the 29thJuly I reached Ischarbuhur, a prosperous Circassian village, and in the evening arrived an officer and five zaptiehs sent from Mush to meet me.
The next day I was met at a village, four hours from Mush, by a deputation of Armenians, with a formal invitation to stay at the Bishop’s house; such an invitation you are aware I had already accepted from the Bishop himself when I saw him at Erzeroum. About an hour from Mush I was met by the Bishop’s vicar and a considerable number of Armenian Notables, and a little further on by a Colonel with a mounted escort. On nearing the city the greater part of the Armenian population came out meet me, and accompanied me to the Bishop’s house, the children of the different schools forming a procession in their ecclesiastical garments. I was not at all aware that such a reception was contemplated, and regret it should have taken place, as being likely to embitter the bad feeling already existing between the Moslems and the Christians. Indeed, some of the latter have expressed great apprehension of what may happen after my departure. But they said they had been suffering so long and so severely that, on the prospect appearing to open to them of brighter days to come, their hearts were so full that they could not restrain their long pent-up feelings.
Indeed, there appears to be no room to doubt the exceeding misrule, oppression, and misery which the Armenians of this part of the country have had to undergo. Far from the capital and from centres like Erzeroum and Van, and with no regular postal communication, the evil - disposed have been able to act as they pleased without check or hindrance, and there is no European element to exert any influence for good. I have been already told of crimes and misdeeds enough to fill a book, and I have reason to believe in the truth of the greater part of what I have heard. Some of the worst cases were related to me by an European surgeon in the Turkish service as having come under his personal observation, and I have myself been able to notice the abject terror with which the Christian population regards the Kurds, the Turks, and the authorities.
It is barely three weeks since a noted Kurdish Chief, Mirza Bey, beat nearly to death the headman of an Armenian village because he had been recently elected without his sanction. Yet Mirza Bey walks freely about the town, and is an honoured visitor in the Serai and Medjliss.
But, unfortunately, it is not only the Kurds who misbehave; officers and men of the regular troops and zaptiehs continually make irregular demands on the villagers, and beat and maltreat them if they are unable to satisfy their demands.
Justice also, as a rule, miscarries. A caravan of Armenians returning to Van from Constantinople with their earnings were attacked last year by Kurds near Boulanik, and robbed of £.T. 6,ooo. They have endeavoured to obtain redress, the robbers being well known, and have been able to obtain an order from Van for the arrest and punishment of the offenders, but the latter, with so much money at their command, have hitherto escaped scot-free, though one of them has been recently rearrested, and is now in prison here.
Only a few days ago an Armenian set out for Erzeroum with letters for the bishop of Mush containing reports of grievances. His body was found murdered near Ischarbuhur; but when his son went to fetch it, it had in the meantime disappeared with the letters.
Even darker crimes of lust and brutality are also spoken of as of not unfrequent occurence.
The Vekil of the Mutessarif, and other officials with whom I have spoken, express the best sentiments and intentions, and I hope are sincere in their professions. The Vekil I believe to be a man of good intentions, but he is only here temporarily, and the Mussulman population is extremely fanatical, and corruption seems to reign supreme.
It would certainly be of the greatest advantage if some European influence could be permanently introduced here, and I therefore hear with satisfaction that there is some possibility of a Russian Consular officer being posted here.
I inclose an address which was read to me on my arrival; it is a curiosity, as exhibiting a remarkable confusion of person between Her Majesty herself and her Vice - Consul, but it gives an idea of the feelings of the Armenian people. I fully believe that the latter is suffering in this part of the country the most grievous oppression and wrong.
Their main causes of complaint are: that they have to pay taxes both to the Kurds and to the Government; abuses in the collection of the Government taxes; the maltreatment they suffer from Kurds, Turks, soldiery, and zaptiehs; and the impunity with which any Moslem can commit any sort of crime or wrong against them.
I have seen no symptom of foreign intrigue; but the Armenians have lately become much more acquainted than formerly with the condition of European nations, and with the idea of liberty and equality, and are beginning to find their present position insupportable.
I have, &c.
(Signed) E. CLAYTON, Captain,
Her Britannic Majesty’s Vice-Consul, Van
F. 0. 424/87, p. 2-4, .No. 1 / 2
Inclosure 3 in No. 255
Address at Mush.
Le 31 Juillet 1879.
C’EST le coeur pénétré de douleur qui parle et celui de ce peuple vient avec l’assurance du profond respect, avec ma voix, saluer votre venue. C’est une fierté pour nous.
Depuis longtemps les scélératesses, les oppressions, les désastres ont étouffé notre nation; six siècles sont passes et encore ii mugit sous le joug de ce tyran. La félicité ne règne dans cette patrie; partout le sanglot, Ia larme et les misérables.
Mon arme danse sur mes lévres puisque les bienfaits que reçoivent chaque jour de votre Altesse Royale les maiheureux qui implorent votre bienfaisance, prouvent que vous êtes le protecteur des infortunés.
Combien ii m’est doux maintenant emprunter une langue céleste, oü je vois briller Ia lumière éclipsée de nos jours. Ce peuple ne verra plus les heures et les moments qui l’enfermaientjusqu’à present dans un tombeau triste et silencieux. Ii embrassera l’ombre de la liberté que les libres nations et votre Majesté vont lui offrir, comme j’espère. La mer, l’état était toute émue, mais elle sera calme et paisible désormais.
Que ces lieux sacrés oil vous vous promenez en déchirant leur voile triste de la misère chantent la venue de votre Majesté et la liberté, que comme nous espérons, vous allez répandre partout. Notre espoir est en vous.
Agréez, illustre MaItre, aimer cette nation qui vous adore, et Ia sauver de ses miséres.
(Signe) JEAN
F. O.424/87, p.4, No. 1/3

Massa Whoop Me Massa

As you know recently one of the Third Reich Parliaments of Europe, i.e. French Parliament, acted as a "forum non conveniens" court presided by that lecherous midget, Nicholas Sarkozy and delivered a verdict on Armenian Genocide issue in one occasion accepting it as a fact and in the second occasion criminalizing its denial.
Many Turks and Turkish authorities tried to prevent this from happening by begging on their knees "Massa don't whoop me massa".
That's not what I am gonna do: If massa wants to whoop me, I would not beg him not to do. However, Massa must be very careful with the very whoop of his, because if he ever loses it, he might find it shoved in their proper places.

No more discrimination

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Armenians fights with Persians and Genocidal (??) Turks are not a party to the fight AGAIN!

Armenians fights with Persians and Genocidal (??) Turks are not a party to the fight AGAIN!
Here is another correspondence from Major Trotter, who, according to Dashnak (Nazi) Armenians, and their western instigators, must have been a Turk, a Turkish agent, a Georgian, a Self-Hating (sic) Jew, or a denialist who received blood money from Turks for denying the first and well established (sic) genocide of 20th Century, exactly depicting who was fighting with whom and who were killing whom and who was protecting while being killed by whom.
Although Western governments hold all these documents in their archives and are very well aware of the farce, they intentionally warp the very knowledge they have, for the purpose of capitalizing on it!...
Disgusting vultures!... They feed on anything.
The following correspondence further reveals that there was no tension between Turks and Armenians (although that will change after Armenian bandits started staging ethnic cleansing on menless Turks, consisting of children and women, avoiding formidable Kurds, despite it was Kurds who were oppressing them).
Even Vali (i.e. governor) Pasha did best to mobilize troops to prevent fight, which will certainly end-up in bloodshed (mostly of the Armenians, of course).
And Dashnak (Nazi) Armenians and their western puppet masters, want us to believe that the same troops started collecting Armenians for a genocide? Sure!... It must be so. At any rate, I am a worthless barbarian not a Westerner of supreme race!...
Anyway read yourself and let the truth be told.
P.S. Now they are liberating Libya (which was their close friend, flowing oil to Western companies) and next Syria!... Now instead of Qaddafi, their western companies shall sit on oil beds, using the locals as laborers while their white collared crooks would live in wealth.
Do you think anything shall change in Libya (in terms of tyranny)? Now, the real oppressor got rid of his old dictator, and we will see within next decade, they shall install new dictators over there.
Just like Iraq, which was liberated by USA and their allies (who were there for the crumbs), Libya shall also become a sh*thole (pardon my French).

No. 232
Major Trotter to the Marquis of Salisbury.
My Lord,
ERZEROUM, Jul; ı8, 1879.
(Received August 7.)
I REGRET to have to announce that a serious disturbance took place in this town on Monday, the 14th instant. For some time past there has been considerable ill-feeling between the Persians and Armenians of this city, which culminated on Thursday, the 10th instant, on which day a Persian youth enticed into his house and raped an Armenian girl of 12 or 13 years of age. The criminal was arrested by the Armenians and handed over to the Persian Consul, who ordered him to be kept in custody. On the following day the prisoner was allowed by the Persian cavass, who was in charge of him, to walk about in some place of public resort, where he was seen by some Armenians, who were much excited thereat. A large body of them waited on the Pasha to demand the close imprisonment of the culprit. To quell the excitement, the Persian Consul ordered the transfer of the prisoner to the custody of the local authorities; but the Armenian public was maintained in a state of fermentation by rumours that the Persian Consul was endeavouring to hush the matter up and to get the prisoner released on bail. The local authorities meanwhile, in spite of rumours to the contrary, had kept the Persian in prison, but the case still caused much excitement both amongst Armenians and Persians, the culprit being the son of a highly respected and popular member of the Persian community. While the irritation was at its height, on Monday a dispute arose in the shop of a Persian baker between a Persian and an Armenian. From words the disputants soon came to blows, while Persians and Armenians came hurrying to the assistance of their respective comrades; a free fight ensued, in which, as the Persians were mostly armed, while the Armenians had nothing but sticks or whatever else they could lay their hands on at the moment, the latter got the worst of it and fled, five of their number being wounded. Reports were at once circulated that a number of Armenians had been killed by Persians, the church bell was rung, great excitement prevailed, and large bodies of Armenians collected to go to revenge their comrades, some of them armed with revolvers, others with sticks, stones, or whatever they could lay their hands on. The Persians meanwhile, in large numbers and all armed with swords and daggers, were awaiting the attack, when most fortunately the Vali Pasha appeared on the scene, followed almost immediately by large bodies of soldiers. Armenians and Persians were so anxious to get at each other that it was no easy matter to keep the would-be combatants apart, and, as far as I can learn, both parties for a time resisted the efforts of the soldiery to keep the peace, but, as the Persians were mostly shut up in their khan by the Pasha’s orders, while the Armenians were in the street, the latter were the greatest sufferers, and at least ten more were more or less seriously wounded, many of them by soldiers, before quiet was restored.
Two or three revolvers were fired off by Armenians in the course of the day, but no one appears to have been hurt by them. Two soldiers were wounded, and one or two Persians are said to have been injured. There is no doubt that, had it not been for the timely interference of the Governor and troops, there would have been a much more serious not, and many lives would probably have been lost.
There was, of course, great excitement all the rest of the day; the shops were closed, bodies of troops were posted in the principal places, and strong patrols traversed the streets. Guards were placed at the different Consulates, and every precaution has been successfully taken to prevent further disorders. It was fully expected by the best informed that there would be further disturbances, and the troops are still kept under arms, but happily everything is now quiet, and will, I hope, remain so.
I believe the soldiery behaved with great moderation, and I myself saw some of them perfectly steady under very great provocation.
The Persian Consul and the Armenian Bishop both addressed me long despatches on the subject of the fight, each one trying to throw the whole blame on the other community.
I replied at some length to both of them, and without giving an opinion as to who was to blame, İ urged each one to do his utmost to calm down the excitement existing in his community. To the Bishop also I deemed it necessary to point out the necessity of instructing some of the wilder members of his flock of the absolute necessity of refraining from taking the law into their own hands, and resisting lawful authority.
The excitement amongst them was so high on the day of the not that they actually set to and thrashed one of the leading members of their own community who was endeavouring to restrain them from violence.
I warned the Bishop that if the Armenians—even a few of them—opposed forcibly the authority of the Government, they would not only have arrayed against the soldiery and the Persians, but also the whole of the Mussulman population of the town, with results which could only be most deplorable. The Turks of the city have hitherto not been mixed up in the affair.
I beg to inclose translation of an official communication I have received from his Excellency the Vali Pasha, explaining the measures he has taken for ensuring the maintenance of order. He explained the tenour of them to me personally on the morning following the not, and 1 expressed my approval generality of the propositions he made.
The Vali has acted well in the matter, having himself interfered at considerable personal risk to separate the combatants, and he appears to have acted impartiality towards both parties.
I have, &c.
Turkey .No. 10 (1879), pp. 121-122, No. 74
Inclosure in No. 232
Mustapha Pasha 10 Major Trotter.
ON the 2nd of this month, Monday, at 7 o’clock, an encounter took place in the Giölbashi quarter in Erzeroum, between the Armenians and the Persians, in regard to which the Imperial Government took such measures as were necessary. In order that such occurances might not occur again, the Provincial Council assembled, and issued orders to insure the safety of the inhabitants of the place, both native and foreign.
These orders command that no one shall carry weapons either by day or night; that no one shall engage in gambling; that all public - houses shall be shut at 11 o’clock in the evening; and if any one goes about armed within the city, and resists the police and uses his arms, the law, as previously declared, shall be put in force against him. As regards the above - mentioned matters, order have been given to the military department to make use of their arms if necessary. This order has been published to the people by placards posted in suitable places.
Every one shall occupy himself with his business as may be convenient. If, however, any one, contrary to this duty, ocupies himself with affairs likely to cause disturbance to the public safety, or the quiet of the land, the law shall be put in force against him. We have determined and decreed that every one must act according to what has been ordered, and we have, therefore, made this known to all the Consuls of the foreign Powers in Erzerourn, to the military authorities, and to the officials of the police and to the Armenian Bishop, and we have published the announcement of these orders to the public generality.
They are also hereby made known to the English Consul, in order that he may inforrn of thern any English subjects that may be in Erzeroum.
Turkey No. 10 (1879), pp. 722-123, .No. 7/I

Monday, January 3, 2011

Other prime examples of who were real oppressors of Armenians!..

Other prime examples of who were real oppressors of Armenians!..
Despite Westerners are responsible for far more genocides/extortions of lands/resources, enslavement of many native/aboriginal people, they use their third reich senates, crook journalists to blame non-Westerners for dire events which are either made up or engineered as ruses to liberate (i.e. invade and steal the natural resources of) other non-western nations. This selective blindness of westerners enable them to justify their supposedly democratic sugar coated fascistic rules all around the world.
The following correspondence, though making reference to certain parts of Anatolia as Kurdistan, totally omitting the facts that Kurds were (and still are) nomadic people who did not have their land (until deportation of Armenians) and there is a significant amount of Turks in the region, sheds further light on who were real oppressors of Armenians in the region.
Since they were nomadic they were also mostly AWOL from military service, so they could continue their plundering, raping and robbing actions unhindered.

Despite not a single official document accuses any Turk of killing Armenian even for personal reasons, why all social Darwinist Western senates  (despite they are Forum non conveniens) deliver verdicts of genocide on Turks and current Republic of Turkey for dire events which they instigated in the first place and perpetrated by nomadic Kurds?

Please read your self and let the truth be told.
No More Discrimination
No. 224
Sir A. H. Layard to the Marquis of Salisbury.
No. 6o8.
My Lord,
THERAPIA, July 12, 1879.
(Received July 22.)
WITH reference to Major Trotter’s despatch of the 28th ultimo, a copy of which is forwarded to your Lordship by this messenger, I have the honour to inclose copy of a note verbale I have addressed to the Porte, calling attention to the outrages to which the Armenians of the district of Gonig are subjected, and urging that the most rigorous measures should be taken for the protection of the Sultan’s Armenian subjects in Kurdistan.
I have, &c.
(Signed) A. H. LAVARD.
F. O. p424/85, p. 204, js 362
Turkey No. 10 (1879), p. 1o6, No. 64
Inclosure in No. 224
Note Verbale.
HER Majesty’s Ambassador desires to submit to the Sublime Porte a statement relating to the oppression and outrages to which the Armenians of the village of Ognoa, in the district of Gonig, in Kurdistan, are subjected by Kurdish Chiefs. Her Majesty’s Ambassador is aware that the facts mentioned in it have been brought to the notice of the Commission sent by the Imperial Government to enquire in to the condition of the vilayet of Erzeroum and the neighbouring districts, and he cannot doubt but that the Commissioners, anxious to perform the mission confided to them in a just, impartial, and energetic manner, will take measures to ensure redress and protection to the inhabitants of Ognoa. The state of things existing in this village unhappily appears to prevail over a great part of the east of Anatolia, comprised in what is called Kurdistan. The object of Her Majesty’s Ambassador in calling the special notice of the Sublime Porte to it is to draw its earnest attention to the intolerable oppression under which the Armenian subjects of the Sultan are suffering, in the hope that the most rigorous measures will be adopted to carry out the intentions and promises of His Imperial Majesty, that all his subjects, without distinction of race or creed, shall be placed on a footing of perfect equality, and shall receive his protection. It would unhappily, appear that the only authority now existing in those districts, to which Her Majesty’s Ambassador has referred, is that of Kurdish Agas and Beys, who exercise it in plundering, outraging, and oppressing the unfortunate Christians under their rule.
Therapia, July 9, 1879.
F. 0. 424/85, pp. 204-205, JVo. 362/1
Turkey J’To. 10 (1879), pp. 106-107, .No. 64/I

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Strange but Armenians are victims of Kurdish excesses again and no Turks are named

Strange but Armenians are victims of Kurdish excesses again and no Turks are named
Despite there is no physical evidence but all hearsay claims about Turks, who after living together side by side with Armenians for almost a millennium, started slaughtering Armenians out of blue, with no sign of previous hostility, Dashnak (Nazi) Armenians and western imperialist puppet masters behind them opt to blame ethnic Turks for dire events caused by lawless Kurds and triggered by Armenian rebellious movements.
And our Western friends (sic) and allies (sic) in the dens of vipers they call parliaments are adopting verdicts that Turks killed 1.5 million Armenians during an operation which can be designated as a genocide.
Although, these vipers are so myopic to see that European imperialists killed several hundreds of millions of Black people (to steal their resources) and other Asiatic people and Americans (both South and North) killed 10 ton 100 million native Americans (of which nobody knows the exact numbers, since nobody cares) Western dens of vipers they call parliaments are engaged in acting as extraordinary courts and delivering guilty verdicts to ethnic Turks.
Anyway the following correspondence which is written by a Major Trotter, whom, according to Dashnak philosophy and the western puppet masters behind them, shall call a Turk, a Turkish agent, a Georgian, a self-hating Jew (sic), or a denialist who received blood money from Turks for denying the first and established (sic) genocide of 20th century, sheds some further light upon the circumstances of the eastern Anatolia.
Please read yourself and let the truth be told.
No More Discrimination
No. 214
Major Trotter to the Marquis of Salisbury.
ERZEROUM, June 21, 1879.
(Received July 11)
THE Imperial Commission has not made very marked progress with the work of reform during the past week; much of its time has been taken up in discussing the somewhat pressing matters of the revolts in Dersim and amongst the Moaki Kurds. Progress has been made in discussing the details of the proposed gendarmerie, and the Commissioners’ proposals will probably be sent for submission to the Porte by the next mail.
The question of substituting a fixed cash payment in lieu of the existing system of tithes has also been under consideration, and statistics are being prepared in connection therewith. Yusuf Pasha, the first Commissioner, appears to be keen upon introducing this much-wanted reform. The provincial budget has also been dipped into with a view of making proposals to the Porte that a certain fixed percentage of the revenue shall be absolutely set aside for provincial purposes, the balance only to be remitted to Constantinople.
In a despatch to Her Majesty’s Ambassador I estimated the Kurdish (Kizzil bash) population of the Dersim at from 1oo,ooo to 150,000 souls. This was based on an old report of a former Consul. I learn, however, from the Imperial Commissioners, that the Official records of the vilayet give a total of 18,323 Kurdish males and 2,529 Armenians, so that the population of the whole district may, perhaps, not exceed 40,000. The inhabitants of the north-eastern cazas of Kuzujan, about one-third of the total population, are said to be quiet, and the present military proceedings are directed against the remaining two-thirds in the west and south cazas of Owajik and Mazgird. Dervish Pasha has more than thirty battalions at his disposal.
Of the disturbances amongst the Moaki Kurds who inhabit the mountains west of Bitlis and south of Mush we have only a telegraphic communication from the Pasha of Van, to the effect that two of the principal Chiefs have been fighting amongst themselves, and that the Rayahs, and especially the Christians, have been suffering in consequence. Several of the latter have, I believe, been killed. The Pasha had sent officials to try and arrange the matter peacefully, but the mission had utterly failed in the attempt, and its authority was ignored, and the Governor sought permission from the Imperial Commissioners to send troops against the rebels. This matter has also been referred to Constantinople for decision, and the Governor of Van has been requested to give details as to the number of troops at his disposal, and as to the powers of resistance of the insurgents. The Commissioners, with whom I concur, desire to suppress the disturbance with the aid of the military before the revolt shall assume larger dimensions.
The subject of financial arrangements will probably shortly occupy a special despatch.
I am tired of reiterating the same thing, but as long as soldiers are some four years in arrears of pay, and the zaptiehs for two years, the Turkish Empire cannot be said to be in a state of security. It is ridiculous to talk of introducing a new gendarmerie until arrangements be made for their regular payment, and of that fact the Commissioners are as well aware as I am.
Turkey .No. 10 (1879), p. 104, .No. 61

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Iesus autem dixit ei Iuda osculo Filium hominis tradis

Iesus autem dixit ei Iuda osculo Filium hominis tradis
(But Jesus said unto him, Judas, betrayest thou the Son of Man with a kiss?)
Despite Armenians, being Millet-i Sidika (Loyal Nation) of Ottoman Empire, had the most valuable government posts without having to convert to Islam and they (together with other non-Moslems) were dominant with landslide in trade and arts and despite many British, Russian (both Tsarist and Soviet) documents clearly indicate there is no hostility between Armenians and ethnic Turks but with Kurds, who were (and mostly still are) landless, nomadic tribes, who live on animal breeding and if opportunity shows, by robbing sedentary people (mostly like Armenians and sometimes Turks, who have their own land) the Armenian clergy, (who are mostly of Russian origin) though pretending to have a divinity, were continuously intriguing against the people who granted the Armenians of Ottoman Empire the most juicy posts and trades of the entire empire.
The following British Document clearly indicates the Armenian clergy's double talks and double plays, in line with the Armenian revolutionaries from Russia.
While Moslems (Turks, or Mussulmans as they call it) were living mostly in poverty, they were getting the lion's share from the empire's economic and political resources but also intriguing against and undermining the Empire, just like, Judas Iscariot, who while eating on the table of Jesus Christ, was betraying Him.
While his Beatutide Narses was trying to brownnose Mr. Layard, he was caught in flagrante delicto of His double talk. Since he previously sent some letters accusing British Consular Functionaries of reluctance to help Armenians and Mussulmans, He was clearly confronted by a British Consular Functionary, who was offended by these double talks.
Most important of all, Mr. Layard, clearly warns Armenian Patriarch not to get involved in any intrigues which shall finally bring disaster to them by saying “But, I added, his Beatitude must not expect me to take part in any intrigues for upsetting the present political condition of Western Asia, and for undermining the authority of the Sultan. I warned him that such intrigues could only tend to bring misfortune upon the Armenians themselves”.
Anyway read yourself and let the truth be told.
No More Discrimination.

No. 213
Sir A. H. Layard to the Marquis of Salisbury.
No. 535.
My Lord,
THERAPIA, June 21, 1879.
(Received June 30.)
THE Armenian Patriarch, Archbishop Nerses, told me yesterday, when I was calling upon him, that, at a meeting held that day by the Commission of Notables charged with the administration of the affairs of the Armenian community, a unanimous vote of thanks had been passed to me for the services I had rendered to the Armenians, through my representations in their favour to the Porte. I availed myself of the occasion to ask his Beatitude what he meant by stating in his letter to Mr. Malet, of which a copy was forwarded to your Lordship in his despatch No. 370 of the 3rd ultimo, that “the Armenians had rarely had the happiness to see in the East Representatives of the English Government animated with a sincere desire to use their influence for the amelioration of the lot of the Christian and Mussulman populations of the Empire.I considered such a statement, I said, a most unjust and unfounded reflection upon Her Majesty’s Representatives, and I should be glad to hear to whom he particularly alluded. I had never heard, I observed, of an English Representative in the East who was indifferent to the happiness and welfare of the Christian and Mussulman subjects of the Sultan. On the contrary, the influence of England had always been exercised in their behalf, and I had no hesitation in saying that the Christians of Turkey, without distinction of creed, owed more to it than to that of any other nation. His Beatitude, I added, would always find me ready to do all in my power to obtain justice and good government for the Armenians, as well as for all other Christians in the Turkish Empire, and to use my utmost endeavours to that end. In doing so, I was not only acting upon my own convictions, but carrying out the policy of Her Majesty’s Government. But, I added, his Beatitude must not expect me to take part in any intrigues for upsetting the present political condition of Western Asia, and for undermining the authority of the Sultan. I warned him that such intrigues could only tend to bring misfortune upon the Armenians themselves, and that, if he really desired the happiness and welfare of the community, he should use all legitimate means to obtain good and just government for the Armenians, in which he would have my entire support, instead of endeavouring to carry out wild and impracticable schemes.
His Beatitude observed that he had meant nothing by the expression in his letter to Mr. Malet, to which I had referred, that the Armenians would be for ever grateful to England for what she had done for them, and that he had no cause to complain of indifference on the part of Her Majesty’s Representatives to the interests of his community.
I thought it as well to speak thus plainly to his Beatitude, as I have every reason to believe that there are persons, having influence over him, who are endeavouring to draw him into intrigues, which are certainly not calculated to promote the true interests of the Armenians, but which may, on the contrary, have the effect of retarding, instead of promoting, the reforms and the just and good administration that is the desire and object of Her Majesty’s Government to see introduced into the Asiatic dominions of the Sultan.
I have, &c.
(Signed) A. H. LAYARD.
F. 0. 424/84, p. 387 - 388, No. 486

Monday, May 10, 2010

Armenian Clergy Plays Part of Judas Iscariot

Armenian Clergy Plays Part of Judas Iscariot
The Dashnak (Nazi) Armenians and their western patrons who blame ethnic Turks out of all ethnic groups of Ottoman Empire and Republic of Turkey which was established in 1923 for dire events which took place in 1915, arising out of massacres staged by Kurds on Armenians for stealing their land and their wives for more than a half century. Despite both Dashnaks (Nazis) and their Turcophobe western masters lack the material evidence incriminating Turks, such as non-existence of concentration camps, mass graves, which are telltale signs of a genocide. This is petitio principii on the part of racist west, who took every measure to discriminate against Turks.
Moreover, while Dashnak Armenians managed to cleanse Turks who are settled people, whose fathers and sons were off to war, thus consisting only women and children, thus sitting duck for Armenian Dashnak terrorists, decimating their numbers to (now) a minority, it was Kurds who benefited from demise of Turks, by stealing the women and land of the Armenians, on whom they staged depredation attacks, before and during deportation of Armenian population for a period of almost half a century. Dashnak (Nazi) Armenian terrorists would be unable to do anything against Kurds, since they are nomadic people, mostly hiding in the mountains, whose men were AWOL from military service, armed to the teeth, unlike Turkish families whose fathers and sons were off to War to defend their country.
And in Ottoman Empire, though, denominated as a Turkish one, administrative ranks were occupied by non-Turks, called devshirmes, i.e. converts, who get into Sultan's service and ethnic Turks were rural people, who were mostly engaged in agriculture. And Armenians, being skillful in trade, arts and crafts, were the crown jewel of Ottoman administrative ranks, though being “millet-i sidika (i.e. loyal nation)” they do not have to convert to Islam, while being in state service.
Apart from the fact that they were favored in imperial service, they were in a good condition in civilian life too, because they were tradesmen and craftsmen, domains where ethnic Turks were almost non-present, as documented by many British Documents, published here.
And in this favorable environment, it was Armenian priests of Russian Origin, who stirred sedition amongst Armenian population, to attain an utopian Big Armenia, where they were only 7 percent of the population, which they attempted to attain by staging ethnic cleansing campaigns on sedentary people (who happens to be Turks), in return their civilian population being oppressed, robbed, killed and raped by tribalistic Kurdish bandits for almost half a century.
The following document clearly states that Mussulmans (from Roumelia, which are actually Turks) would be a check upon the Kurds.
Anyway read yourself and let the truth be told.
No More Discrimination
No. 211
Sir A. H. Layard to the Marquis of Salisbury.
No. 531.
My Lord,
THERAPIA, June 21, 1879.
(Received June 30.)
I HAVE the honour to inclose copy of a letter addressed to me by Monseigneur Nerses, the Armenian Patriarch, complaining that the Porte was about to sent 4,000 refugee families from Roumelia to the district of Moush, in Armenia. I understand that his Beatitude has sent a similar letter to several of my colleagues.
When calling yesterday on his Beatitude, I asked him to give me some details with respect to his letter. Were the families to which it referred Mussulman families? Did they really come from Roumelia? Were they Circassians? From whence did he obtain his information? And on what ground did he object to the settlement in a district like Moush of quiet and industrious people, although Mussulmans, who would be a check upon the Kurds? His Beatitude could not give me any satisfactory answers to my questions, and appeared to know little or nothing about the matter. He sent for his Secretary to explain his letter. That gentleman said that rumours had reached the Patriarchate of the intention of the Porte to send these families, who, he presumed, were composed of Mussulmans, to Moush, and that consequently the Patriarch had addressed the Embassies on the subject. He knew nothing more. I told his Beatitude that, without being furnished with more exact and trustworthy information, I could not address any representations to the Porte; but that if he would give me full particulars, I would take such steps in the matter as I properly could. In the meanwhile I will forward a copy of his Beatitude’s letter to Major Trotter for a report.
His Beatitude is in the habit of sending complaints of this kind to the foreign Embassies, with the object, I have every reason to believe, of getting up an “Armenian question.” They frequently contain very exaggerated, if not unfounded, statements.
I have, &c.
(Signed) A. H. LAYARD.
F. 0. 424/84, . 385, 1o. 483
Inclosure in No. 211
Monsignor Nerses to Sir A. H. Lqyard.
M. l’Ambassadeur,
AYANT appris que Ic Gouvernement Imperial a projete d’envoyer ,ooo families emigrécs de Roumélie dans le district de Moush, en Arménie, je prends la liberté d’avoir recours a la puissante intervention de votre Excellence pour épargner a la maiheureuse population Chrétienne de ce district de nouvelles et de cruelles épreuves.
Votre Excellence n’ignore pas qu’une contrée aussi désolée ne saurait offrir les ressources nécessaires pour l’entretien d’une nombreuse colonie. Elle sait de plus que ces émigrés de Roumélie sont rien moms qu’ennemis de l’ordre et du progrès; que les Arméniens souffrent déjà trop de l’oppression des Kurdes, et que Ia presence d’un nouvel élément de désordre et de perturbation les pousserait au désespoir.
Si rien ne se fait, Excellence, pour empécher le mal qui existe, on peut au moms, croyons-nous, éviter ce qui peut aggraver Ia situation, en renouvelant ces déplorables scenes qui ont si vivement ému le public en Europe.
J’ai, &c.
(Signe) NERSES.
F. 0. 424 / 84, / 386, .No. 483