Monday, May 10, 2010

Armenian Clergy Plays Part of Judas Iscariot

Armenian Clergy Plays Part of Judas Iscariot
The Dashnak (Nazi) Armenians and their western patrons who blame ethnic Turks out of all ethnic groups of Ottoman Empire and Republic of Turkey which was established in 1923 for dire events which took place in 1915, arising out of massacres staged by Kurds on Armenians for stealing their land and their wives for more than a half century. Despite both Dashnaks (Nazis) and their Turcophobe western masters lack the material evidence incriminating Turks, such as non-existence of concentration camps, mass graves, which are telltale signs of a genocide. This is petitio principii on the part of racist west, who took every measure to discriminate against Turks.
Moreover, while Dashnak Armenians managed to cleanse Turks who are settled people, whose fathers and sons were off to war, thus consisting only women and children, thus sitting duck for Armenian Dashnak terrorists, decimating their numbers to (now) a minority, it was Kurds who benefited from demise of Turks, by stealing the women and land of the Armenians, on whom they staged depredation attacks, before and during deportation of Armenian population for a period of almost half a century. Dashnak (Nazi) Armenian terrorists would be unable to do anything against Kurds, since they are nomadic people, mostly hiding in the mountains, whose men were AWOL from military service, armed to the teeth, unlike Turkish families whose fathers and sons were off to War to defend their country.
And in Ottoman Empire, though, denominated as a Turkish one, administrative ranks were occupied by non-Turks, called devshirmes, i.e. converts, who get into Sultan's service and ethnic Turks were rural people, who were mostly engaged in agriculture. And Armenians, being skillful in trade, arts and crafts, were the crown jewel of Ottoman administrative ranks, though being “millet-i sidika (i.e. loyal nation)” they do not have to convert to Islam, while being in state service.
Apart from the fact that they were favored in imperial service, they were in a good condition in civilian life too, because they were tradesmen and craftsmen, domains where ethnic Turks were almost non-present, as documented by many British Documents, published here.
And in this favorable environment, it was Armenian priests of Russian Origin, who stirred sedition amongst Armenian population, to attain an utopian Big Armenia, where they were only 7 percent of the population, which they attempted to attain by staging ethnic cleansing campaigns on sedentary people (who happens to be Turks), in return their civilian population being oppressed, robbed, killed and raped by tribalistic Kurdish bandits for almost half a century.
The following document clearly states that Mussulmans (from Roumelia, which are actually Turks) would be a check upon the Kurds.
Anyway read yourself and let the truth be told.
No More Discrimination
No. 211
Sir A. H. Layard to the Marquis of Salisbury.
No. 531.
My Lord,
THERAPIA, June 21, 1879.
(Received June 30.)
I HAVE the honour to inclose copy of a letter addressed to me by Monseigneur Nerses, the Armenian Patriarch, complaining that the Porte was about to sent 4,000 refugee families from Roumelia to the district of Moush, in Armenia. I understand that his Beatitude has sent a similar letter to several of my colleagues.
When calling yesterday on his Beatitude, I asked him to give me some details with respect to his letter. Were the families to which it referred Mussulman families? Did they really come from Roumelia? Were they Circassians? From whence did he obtain his information? And on what ground did he object to the settlement in a district like Moush of quiet and industrious people, although Mussulmans, who would be a check upon the Kurds? His Beatitude could not give me any satisfactory answers to my questions, and appeared to know little or nothing about the matter. He sent for his Secretary to explain his letter. That gentleman said that rumours had reached the Patriarchate of the intention of the Porte to send these families, who, he presumed, were composed of Mussulmans, to Moush, and that consequently the Patriarch had addressed the Embassies on the subject. He knew nothing more. I told his Beatitude that, without being furnished with more exact and trustworthy information, I could not address any representations to the Porte; but that if he would give me full particulars, I would take such steps in the matter as I properly could. In the meanwhile I will forward a copy of his Beatitude’s letter to Major Trotter for a report.
His Beatitude is in the habit of sending complaints of this kind to the foreign Embassies, with the object, I have every reason to believe, of getting up an “Armenian question.” They frequently contain very exaggerated, if not unfounded, statements.
I have, &c.
(Signed) A. H. LAYARD.
F. 0. 424/84, . 385, 1o. 483
Inclosure in No. 211
Monsignor Nerses to Sir A. H. Lqyard.
M. l’Ambassadeur,
AYANT appris que Ic Gouvernement Imperial a projete d’envoyer ,ooo families emigrécs de Roumélie dans le district de Moush, en Arménie, je prends la liberté d’avoir recours a la puissante intervention de votre Excellence pour épargner a la maiheureuse population Chrétienne de ce district de nouvelles et de cruelles épreuves.
Votre Excellence n’ignore pas qu’une contrée aussi désolée ne saurait offrir les ressources nécessaires pour l’entretien d’une nombreuse colonie. Elle sait de plus que ces émigrés de Roumélie sont rien moms qu’ennemis de l’ordre et du progrès; que les Arméniens souffrent déjà trop de l’oppression des Kurdes, et que Ia presence d’un nouvel élément de désordre et de perturbation les pousserait au désespoir.
Si rien ne se fait, Excellence, pour empécher le mal qui existe, on peut au moms, croyons-nous, éviter ce qui peut aggraver Ia situation, en renouvelant ces déplorables scenes qui ont si vivement ému le public en Europe.
J’ai, &c.
(Signe) NERSES.
F. 0. 424 / 84, / 386, .No. 483

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