Wednesday, December 16, 2009

More atrocities on Armenians by Russians and, of course, Kurds

If you know Dashnak Armenians' claims of genocide, they claim that Armenians were always being persecuted by Turks and they were always in continuous conflict with Turks. They were always being pressurized by and prevented from exercising their religious freedoms by Turks.
The following two correspondence between British consular functionaries, who, according to Dashnak (i.e. Nazi) Armenians, must be Turks, Turkish Agents, Georgians, self-hating (sic) Jews or denialists who received blood money about 50 years before the alleged genocide for denying it, were shedding some light on the relationships between Armenians and Turks and who were real oppressors of Armenians.
However, despite the Armenians, being the Millet-i Sıdıka (Loyal Nation) of Ottoman Empire, have been honored to be state mint managers, rich bankers, jewellers, even holding high rank and important positions in Ottoman State without having to convert to Islam, as devshirmes like other non-Moslem subjects of Sultan, having similar cultural background, traditions and mores with Turks, the Dashnak Armenians and genocide industry they created for swindling good Christians for ripping their money, opt to blame Turks and Republic of Turkey for dire events which took about a hundred years ago.
In the following correspondences, Armenians of Batoum sent a telegram for requesting protection from British consular functionaries, since Batoum was being invaded and being threatened by Russians and the Ottoman Armenians were again requesting protection from British consular functionaries from Kurdish excesses.
And since the same Armenians of Batoum fled to Ottoman Dominions for protection, they also must be Turks, Turkish Agents, Georgians, self-hating (sic) Jews, who dare to talk in contrary to official genocide claims of Dashnak Armenians!...
Anyway read yourself and let the truth be told.
No More Discrimination.
No. 70
Vice-Consul Biliotti to the Marquis of Salisbury.
No. 55. Political.
TREBIZOND, Ma 7, 1878.
My Lord,
(Received May 28.)
HAVING received yesterday evening a telegram from the Armenian community at Livanah, I wired immediately to Her Majesty’s Ambassador at Constantinople as follows:
“I received the following telegram, dated Batoum, 6th instant, 6 P.M.,signed ‘Ohanes Piloyan, Delegate of the Christians of Livanah:’
"‘While living in peace with our Mussulman neighbours at Livanah, our beloved country, under Ottoman laws, a few days ago Russian soldiers, under the command of General Komaroff, unexpectedly invaded our town, against the law of nations and in spite of the presence of two Turkish battalions, which, owing to existing peace, offered no resistance.
“‘The Russian soldiers and their officers tread under foot the honour of our families; there being no longer any security for life, property, and honour, we are bewildered. If, in the name of Christianism, you want to interfere on our behalf, save us from Russian oppression. Having shut up our houses, abandoned our country, our landed and other property, we proceed with our children and wives to other parts of the Ottoman dominions. It being beyond doubt that similar acts cannot be tolerated by any nation, and in order to protect our honour against the conduct of the Russians, I beg you, in the name of the whole community (Armenian) of which I am the delegate, to bring these facts to the knowledge of your Government through Her Majesty’s Ambassador.’”
My colleagues of Austria and France have received this same telegram.
All the Armenians in the district of Livanah live at Artwin, which is the residence of the Governor, and in its immediate vicinity. The telegram refers, therefore, to that town, which is also often called Livanah, and not, as it might be supposed, to the village of the same name.
According to the Armenian Bishop of Trebizond, there are 8oo Roman Catholic Armenian, and 150 Gregorian, families.
This Prelate, to whom I applied for further information, knows nothing of the case in question, Artwin being an independent bishopric. He has, however, heard that General Komaroff had been hurt at the want of sympathy shown to the Russian cause by the Armenian Roman Catholic authorities on the occasion of a visit which he paid them a month and a-half ago at Artwin.
Ohanes Piloyan is stated by the Armenian bishop to be a most respectable man, and really the head of the Roman Catholic Armenian community in the district of Livanah. But as he has been residing since some time at Batoum, I cannot help thinking that his report on occurrences, of which he has not been an eye-witness, is rather exaggerated.
I have, &c.
F.O. 424/70, p. 404, .No. 658

No. 71
Mr. Layard to the Marquis of Salisbury.
No. 603.
THERAPIA, May 11, 1878.
My Lord,
(Received May 25.)
I HAVE on many occasions called the attention of the Turkish Ministers to the expediency of conciliating the Armenian population of Asia Minor, and of protecting them against the Kurds. I have brought to their notice the reports that I have received, from official and other sources, of the ill-treatment to which the Armenians have been exposed from the local authorities, and have urged upon them the necessity of taking, without delay, such measures as are required to remove the causes of their just complaints. It is especially important that the Porte should, under present circumstances, do all in its power to prove to the Armenians that it is determined to secure to them in future just and equal government, and that Russia should thus be deprived of a pretext for interfering on their behalf, and of raising an “Armenian question” which may prove the source of fresh difficulties to Turkey, and afford Russia a further opportunity of extending her influence, and ultimately her rule, in the Asiatic dominions of the Sultan.
I have strongly advised the Prime Minister to take immediate steps to prevent a repetition of the depredation and excesses which have been of late committed by the Kurds upon the Armenians of the Pashalic of Erzeroom and Diarbekir, as described by Vice-Consul Bilotti and Mr. Rassam, whom I sent into Armenia for the express purpose of reporting to me on this subject. I have recommended that the present Governors of those Provinces, whose conduct is highly praised by Mr. Rassam and by the American Missionaries with whom I am in correspondence, should be provided with a sufficient military or police force to afford the protection which they are anxious, but unfortunately unable, to give to the Christians.
I have found Sadyk Pasha and his predecessor, Ahmed Vefyk Pasha, ready to listen to and to act upon my representations. I have the honour to inclose a report addressed to me by Mr. Sandison upon this subject. Your Lordship will perceive that the Prime Minister has now determined to send a special Commissioner, Ali Shefik Bey, to Armenia, for the purpose of examining into and redressing the grievances of the Armenians, and that the military authorities on the spot have been authorized to employ force for the repression of excesses committed by the Kurds, and for the punishment of their authors.
It appears to me very desirable that we should have a Consul or Vice-Consul at Diarbekir, or some other place on the borders of the country inhabited by the Kurds, who might keep the Embassy informed of what is passing in those regions. Her Majesty’s Ambassador could use his influence for improving the condition of the Armenians and for removing, by representations to the Porte, the grievances of which they may have to complain.
I have, &c.
(Signed) A. H. LAYARD.
F. O. 424/70, pp 360-361, .No. 587

Inclosure in No. 71
Mr. Sandison to Mr. Layard.
THERAPIA, May JO, 1878.
IN accordance with your Excellency’s instructions, I have on several occasions called the Porte’s serious attention to the cruel position of the Armenians in the Vilayets of Erzeroum and Diarbekir, for which the Porte, I said, could offer no excuse, particularly at a moment when it could dispose of its military forces and other means to bring about a better state of things in those parts of the country.
I must do Safvet Pasha justice in saying that his Excellency has all along done everything in his power to carry out your Excellency’s recommendations on this occasion, and it may be all the more gratifying to be able to state that he has lately availed himself of the opportunity afforded him by Mr. Biliotti’s despatch of 2nd ultimo to lay the matter in a very strong light before the Council of Ministers.
A decision has accordingly been come to to send a special Commissioner (Ali Shefik Bey) into those provinces for the purpose of examining and redressing the grievances of the oppressed Armenian population.
Full powers have at the same time been given to the military authorities on the spot to employ force for the punishment and repression of the excesses committed by the Kurds, as well as for the future protection and security of the Christian population.
I have, &c.
(Signed) A. SANDISON.
F. O. 424/70, p 361, No 587/1

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