As you may know Dashnak (i.e. Nazi) Armenians accuse Turks and Republic of Turkey, for some dire events occurred during Ottoman Era, before birth of Republic of Turkey. They claim specifically Turks staged a genocide on Ottoman Armenians.
Despite Republic of Turkey has been established not only as a result of a liberation war against Western Imperialists but also a rebellion against Ottoman Empire, and so called genocide took place 8 years before the establishment of Republic of Turkey, they prefer to blame and demonize Turkey along with western friends (sic) and allies (sic) of Turkey.
Although western countries' history is full of genocides, ethnic cleansings staged on native people, whom the westerners went to liberate and bring freedoms and civilization (while gulping their natural resources at the same time), Republic of Turkey and Turks are specifically and intentionally being blamed of being monsters, barbarians and butchers for some civil war atrocities, which took place between various ethnic groups who lived together almost a thousand years, with one part of the atrocities being Armenians and other party being Kurds.
Today, half of Africa speaks french and other half speaks English and many nations (including Armenians) who lived under the dominion of Ottomans, FOR CENTURIES (min. 3 centuries) still speak their native languages!... Despite Republic of Armenia is ethnically and religiously pure country (actually cleansed within a decade after Tzar granted the land to them), with only church available is official state church, Republic of Turkey which is being blamed of staging genocide on Armenians 8 years before its actual establishment and Turks are discriminated against in every aspect of interaction with the Westerners, has more than 50.000 ethnic Armenians citizens of Republic of Turkey and more than 100.000 Armenians who are illegal aliens, working in Republic of Turkey!...
If you ever dare to question or defend the suspect (which, in this case, Republic of Turkey and Turks), you should be ready for your character being assassinated by Dashnak (i.e. Nazi) Armenians (you shall immediately be declared by Dashnaks and other Turkophobes, as being Turks, Turkish Agents, Georgians, self-hating (sic) Jews, denialists who received blood money from Turks for denying the first genocide (!) of the 20th century) being physically assaulted (like Standford Shaw of U.C.L.A. whose house was firebombed, since he dared to disprove and disagree with the well established (!) genocide).
I don't believe and have any hope that all evidence I presented, that it was not Turks but Kurds (for whom our beloved Western friends and allies (sic) are trying to establish a country by detaching a large portion of Turkey, so under their puppet (and of course and as always despotic) regime they freely ship away the Middle-Eastern and in future Iranian oil without any problems) who killed and persecuted Armenians, shall ever appeal to our Western friends and allies (sic). But I want to warn you who take heed of all evidence and become a Turk, a Turkish agent, a Georgian, a self hating (sic) Jew, a Denialist who received blood money from Turks for denying the first genocide (sic) of 20th century, anyway.
So the westerner who is reading this never dare to deny the genocide Dashnak (i.e. Nazi) Armenians are marketing to western Christians for conning them for donations, and become a Turk, a Turkish Agent, a Georgian, a self hating (sic) Jew, a denialist who received blood money from Turks for denying the self-proclaimed genocide, first your character will be assassinated (and they will call you a lot of names), you will be threatened (you will receive threat calls and letters, emails, just as happened to Late Reverend Samuel Wheems), you will be targeted by Dashnak (i.e. Nazi) Armenian terrorists (your house will be firebombed, just as happened to Genocide Specialist Stanford Shaw), you will be beaten when encountered, and you will be subjected to every terrorizing trick the Dashnaks (i.e. Nazis) hide in their sleeves.
Instead, I honestly say with no irony and pun, continue discriminating against Turks, when tried give us the maximum prison sentence, while being lenient to similar people, when searched, use cavity search while letting others to go, and call us names (like Barbarians, Tamerlane, Genghis Khan, Attilla, etc. despite with all people murdered aggregately by these, by no means compare to those killed by westerners in their genuine attempts of liberating, bringing democracy to, civilizing many resource-rich people), blame us of being Moslem Terrorists, despite it's your intelligence organizations that support Islamic Fundamentalists operating in our country and encouraging our people to be pigheaded.
Any way the following confidential correspondence was sent by A. H. Layard, a British Consular Officer, who must be a Turk, a Turkish agent, a Georgian, a self hating (sic) Jew or a denialist who dare to deny genocide claims of Dashnak (i.e. Nazi) Armenians) about 50 years before the so-called genocide stating that the intrigues engaged by Tsarist Russia for “stirring up discontent against the rule and authority of the Porte (i.e. Sultan)”. The document clearly states that a Russian Armenian group, who were sent by Tsarist Russia to Istanbul, were pressurizing Armenian Patriarch his Beautitude, Narses, to support Russia whom they believe shall give a country of their own where they represent only 7 percent of the population!...
However, many Tsarist Russian archive documents indicates that it's not only Russia who intrigue to raise rebellion amongst Armenians, without heeding their security. So this is not a “I hate Russians” article.
Anyway read your self and let the truth be told.
No Discrimination
No. 76
Sir A. H. Layard to the Marquis of Salisbury.
No. 906. Confidential.
My Lord, | THERAPIA, July i4, 5878. |
(Received July 21.) |
I AM informed, on good authority, that Russia is already commencing her usual intrigues among the Armenians of Asiatic Turkey. Russian agents are being sent into the provinces inhabited by them with the object of stirring up discontent against the rule and authority of the Porte. A Russian party is being formed in the capital amongst the Armenians, which already includes some leading and influential members of that community. The Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople called upon me last week, and after describing the difficulties in which he was placed in consequence of the hostility of this party to him, on account of his anti-Russian opinions and feeling, he proceeded to read to me a short speech that he had prepared. He stated that as the Congress had done nothing for the Armenians, and had not even taken into consideration their case which had been submitted to it by their Representatives at Berlin, and as England had declined to assume a protectorate over them, he could no longer remain at the head of the Constantinople branch of his Church, and was about to resign his office. He had prevailed upon his people, he went on to say, not to listen to the overtures of Russia, but to remain faithful to the Sultan. It was through his advice and exertions that the Armenians had not risen during the late war. But now that the Congress had done nothing for them, and that the name of Armenia was not even to be mentioned in the Treaty of Peace, the Russian party accused him of having betrayed the Armenian cause, pointing out that the Slays and other Christian populations of Turkey, which had listened to Russia and had taken part with her in the war, were now rewarded by receiving their independence, or autonomous institutions. These arguments, the Patriarch ended by saying, had made so great an impression upon the Armenians, that they now denounced him as a traitor, and were “ready to stone him.” He had nothing left but to resign, as he felt himself most seriously compromised in the face of his nation.
I endeavoured to calm the Patriarch’s agitation by showing him that he would gain nothing by the step that he meditated, but would only introduce discord and disorder into his community, which was exactly what Russia wished. He would thus promote the success of those intrigues which he seemed to fear. I explained to him the terms of the Convention of the 4 June, with which he was not acquainted, and pointed out to him that the Porte had undertaken to come to an understanding with England for the protection and better government of the Christian and other subjects of the Sultan in Asiatic Turkey. The condition of the Armenians, I said, would be a special matter of interest to Her Majesty’s Government, as they formed the largest and most intelligent portion of the Christian population in Asia Minor. I warned him that by taking any precipitate and ill advised resolution he might frustrate the object that Her Majesty’s Government had in view, and might even bring great misfortunes upon the Armenian community.
He promised me, after some discussion, that he would not resign for the present, but he earnestly requested me to ask your Lordship, by telegraph, to have some mention made of Armenia in the Treaty to be concluded at Berlin. He believed, he said, that even a mere reference to their country might reconcile the Armenians to the indifference with which their representations appear to have been treated by the Congress.
I agreed to comply with the Patriarch’s urgent request, telling him, at the same time, that I could not hold out hopes that your Lordship could modify, in any way, the decisions to which the Congress had come as regards the Asiatic territories of the Sultan and their populations.
Since my interview with the Patriarch I have had occasion to speak with some of the principal Armenians of Constantinople on this subject, and they have fully confirmed to me the statements of his Eminence as to the efforts which Russia is now making to form a party amongst the Armenians, both in the capital and in the provinces, and as to the intrigues which she has already commenced for this purpose. They promised to persuade the Patriarch not to resign for the present, but to persevere in his policy of counteracting the efforts of Russia to establish an exclusive influence and control over the Armenian community. They looked with hopes, they said, to the engagement entered into with England by the Porte to introduce reforms into Asiatic Turkey for the better government and protection of the Christians, and felt persuaded that if these reforms were fully carried out, and the Armenians prospered and were contented in consequence of them, a large number of Armenians who had emigrated to Russia, and others who belonged to provinces taken from Turkey and Persia, would escape from an oppressive Government which was gradually destroying their nationality, and would settle in the Ottoman dominions, where they could enjoy liberal institutions. If, however, the state of affairs in Armenia was to continue as it had hitherto been, and security for life and property were not assured to the Armenians by the Porte, they would be either compelled to take refuge in Russian territory, or to prepare, under Russian direction, for a future struggle to free themselves from the Turkish rule. This language was held to me by some high functionaries at the Porte.
F. 0. 424/72, pp. 160-161, No. 211
F. 0. 424/72, pp. 160-161, No. 211
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